Buy in Person
Monday – Saturday
noon to 6 p.m.
(holiday hours below)
While our box office is currently open for the purchase of tickets, we strongly encourage all patrons to purchase tickets either online or over the phone (352.392.2787).

Order by Phone
352.392.2787 (ARTS)
Toll Free within Florida: 800.905.2787
For TDD Message Translation:
Call Florida Relay Service at

Order Online
Tickets for most of the events held at the Phillips Center, University Auditorium and Squitieri Studio Theatre are available online through UFPA Online Ticketing.
Phillips Center Box Office Hours of Operation:
Open Hours:
Monday – Saturday | noon to 6 p.m.
The Phillips Center Box Office will be CLOSED beginning Monday, December 23, 2024. We will reopen for normal hours on Monday, January 6, 2025.
(Please note: In the event the University is closed due to inclement weather, Box Office hours will also be altered.)
Finding Event Information
Your event’s venue, date, and time, as well as your seating information can be found printed on your ticket, if you have already received it. Click here to see the locations of these items on your ticket. For further details, click on your event from the main event listing page, visit the Venues page, or contact the Box Office at 352-392-ARTS (2787).
Consumer Alert! Beware of third party ticket sellers:
WHERE YOU BUY YOUR TICKET MATTERS. When you buy your tickets from the Phillips Center Box Office or online at tickets.performingarts.ufl.edu, you ensure that you are receiving the best customer service, the most up-to-date information on performances and seating, and that you are paying fair market value for your tickets. If you’re not buying your tickets from the Phillips Center Box Office whether by phone, in-person, or via UFPA Online Ticketing, you could be paying a markup of 400% or more above the actual ticket price.
UFPA Online Ticketing is the only authorized online seller of tickets for events taking place at the Phillips Center, Squitieri Studio Theatre and University Auditorium.
Ticket Refunds
UFPA’s policy prohibits refunds on tickets except in the case of an event cancellation or date change. If you are unable to attend a UFPA-presented event, you may donate your ticket(s) to the box office, thus allowing another patron(s) to purchase them and enjoy the performance. The ticket(s) must have been purchased through the Phillips Center Box Office or via UFPA’s website,* and must be returned at least 24 hours prior to the performance. You will be given a receipt for the value of the ticket(s). This amount may be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction when you file your annual tax return.
Ticket Exchanges
Tickets purchased from the Philips Center Box Office or via UFPA’s website for any UFPA-presented event may be exchanged for another UFPA-presented event during the season, for a $5 transaction fee. Exchanges are available up to 24 hours before the performance, in person only at the Phillips Center Box Office. If the exchange is for a higher-priced ticket, you are responsible for the difference in cost. If the exchange is for a lower-priced ticket, the difference may qualify as a tax deductible donation to University of Florida Performing Arts. Lost or misplaced tickets cannot be exchanged.
*Tickets purchased through third-party ticketing sites are not eligible for ticket refunds or exchanges.
Gift Certificates
Gift certificates, available in any denomination, are redeemable at the Phillips Center Box Office or online for tickets to UFPA events. More information »
Discounted Tickets
Whenever possible, UFPA offers discounted tickets to many UFPA Presented performances including student prices, child tickets, and rush tickets (more information below). We also have limited free tickets available via the UFPA Partners Program. Sometimes presenters using our venues also offer discounts to their own events (non-UFPA presented events). Check the performance’s event page for pricing information, or contact the Phillips Center Box Office for additional information (352.392.2787).
Group Ticket Sales
Round up your nine closest friends, family members or work buddies. Groups of 10 or more receive a 10 percent discount for most shows. For more information, please contact the Phillips Center Box Office.
Rush Tickets
Discounted last minute tickets, or “rush tickets,” may be available for select UFPA-presented performances on the mainstage of the Phillips Center (please note that Broadway events are nearly always excluded). Rush tickets are good for balcony seats only and are half off the regular price (no lower than $12). Tickets are available only from the Phillips Center Box Office (or University Auditorium Box Office for events held in that venue) beginning one hour prior to the event start time. There is no guarantee that rush tickets will be available for a particular event. Contact the Phillips Center Box Office for additional information.
Student Ticket Discounts
University of Florida students receive special ticket pricing for UFPA-presented events thanks to support from Student Government. UF student tickets range in price from $12-20 depending on the event. Students from Santa Fe College and other area schools may purchase discounted balcony tickets for select UFPA performances. Please note: Each student purchasing a UF student priced ticket must have a valid Gator 1 Student card and bring it on the day of the performance. Learn more on the Students page »
Every patron, regardless of age, must have a ticket for admission to UFPA-presented events. Child-in-lap tickets may be purchased for children 2 and under accompanied by an adult at a cost of $10 for many UFPA performances. All children must be able to sit quietly in their seats throughout the performance. Those unable to do so, along with the adult accompanying them, will be asked by an usher to leave the hall.
Late Seating Policy
Late arrivals are distracting to the artists and fellow audience members. Patrons who arrive late will not be seated until there is an appropriate time for the ushers to do so. Please be aware that this may result in missing a portion of the performance. This policy is handled in accordance with contractually binding artists’ preferences. Please allow ample time for travel and parking prior to an event. Lobby doors open two hours and theatre doors open 30 minutes prior to performance times.
Please note: The box office will not issue refunds for missed or partially missed performances. Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to an event’s published start time.
Electronic Courtesy
Cameras and recording devices are not permitted in the performance halls. Patrons with these items will be asked to check them at the reception office in the lobby or return items to their vehicles. Violators of this policy are subject to removal and will be required to erase/delete any recorded material or photographs. Please remember to turn off all mobile phones and devices, pagers and electronic watch alarms before entering the theatre. Please note: Texting during performances is not permitted.
Are backpacks or large bags allowed in UFPA venues for performances?
Detailed information about what is permitted in UFPA Venues can be found here on our Security Policies page.
What items are prohibited at UFPA events?
Detailed information about security policies and safety measures can be found here on our Security Policies page.
Smoking and Tobacco Use
To promote the health and well-being of faculty, staff, students and visitors, the University of Florida is a tobacco-free campus. The use of cigarettes or other tobacco products in UF buildings (including the Phillips Center and University Auditorium), parking lots, in vehicles or elsewhere on campus is prohibited.
All events, programs, artists, times and dates are subject to change.